New $40 billion, multi-year effort reflects strength of Rebuild Illinois, multimodal commitment SPRINGFIELD – Governor JB Pritzker joined state and local officials at the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) headquarters today to announ…
Washington, D.C. (May 1, 2023) – Brent Booker, a third-generation laborer, today became General President of the half-million member Laborers’ International Union of North America. Booker was appointed to the position by the union’s…
April 28, 2023 As we approach the end of April, it is time to renew our commitment to fighting for safer jobs and commemorating those whom we have lost as we commemorate Workers Memorial Day in the U.S. and the National Day of Mourning in Canada, fol…
Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this, my last day as LIUNA General President, I write to wish you and your families all the best. I love this union and everything it stands for. It has been the privilege of my life to stand with the the strong, proud, …
Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2023) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North American (LIUNA), is retiring effective April 30 after serving as General President for almost 24 years. LIUNA has…
Marty Walsh, Secretary of Labor, visited Chicago and stopped by SMART Local 73 with the Laborers' and other Building Trades for #NationalApprenticeshipWeek “National Apprenticeship Week reminds Americans of the tremendous benefits that Register…
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!WE DID IT! IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED WITH EVERYONE’S HELP! Congratulations and THANK YOU. Together we made history. Our union was one of THE FIRST to support the Workers’ Rights Amendment. We said we’ve got…
A Message from LIUNA General President, Terry O'Sullivan On this Veterans Day and Remembrance Day, we solemnly and gratefully salute our veterans for their honor, courage, and patriotism. The men and women who serve and have served in our armed force…
Check out the new WGN Radio Program, “The Workers’ Mic”. In the first episode our very own, Joseph Healy, Chicago Laborers' District Council Secretary-Treasurer and Local 1092 Business Manager discusses the importance of adopting th…
Brothers and Sisters, The MCL/Voya Open Enrollment period for Supplemental Life, AD&D, Critical Illness and Accident Insurance ends November 30th! Enroll in the coverage that is right for you with NO MEDICAL QUESTIONS OR EXAMS…