Formed in 1968, the National Pharmacists Association (NPhA) represents Walgreens pharmacists in Chicagoland. The NPhA affiliated with the Chicago Laborers' District Council in October 2023.

Membership Portal
The membership portal provides secure online access to join the union, pay your dues electronically, enroll in auto-pay, and update your contact information.  
We’re stronger together - join the union today!

Walgreens Pharmacist Workplace Violation Form
Please use this form to notify the Union if you believe Walgreens has violated our collective bargaining agreement. This form DOES NOT go to Walgreens, rather it goes to our UNION. The information will be reviewed by our lawyer, and a Union Representative will be in touch.

Office Contact Information
Office: (630) 288-5082
Joseph Pignataro, President:
999 McClintock Drive
Suite 300
Burr Ridge, IL 60527

Union Officers & Staff
Joseph Pignataro, President
Paul Gallagher, Vice President
Malinka Nenova, Treasurer
Robert Kobleski, Secretary
Howard Siegel, Sergeant-At-Arms/Representative for Staffing Review

Membership Meetings & CE Events
You must be a current member in good standing to attend.

Announcements & News

List of Biddable Stores

August 13, 2024 - Annual Store Bidding Notice
2024-2025 Annual Bid Period: September 10-October 10, 2023

This is just a heads up. The annual bidding period is coming soon. If you are interested in being eligible for any full-time, single-store locations, you must submit your bid September 10 through October 10, 2024.

We’ll send an email with the actual bid form on September 10 and post it on this page.

Even if you are content with your current status, you never know what the future holds. In other words, “better safe than sorry”! You can always reject a bid if you change your mind, but you will not be able to place bids on existing stores for another year if you do not do so at this time.

You may place a maximum of twelve bids. All pharmacists who average at least twelve hours weekly are eligible to bid. Interns who were just registered, or who will be registered before November 1, 2024, should also bid.

Bids postmarked or emailed before September 10, 2024, or after October 10, 2024, will be invalid. Bids submitted in this bid period will become effective November 1, 2024, and remain in effect through October 31, 2025.

For your convenience, you can see the store listing here.

Regardless of where you are working now, you may place a bid on any location in any district or area of preference.

If new store locations open during the coming year, a special bid period will take place at that time. Any special bids for new stores that have been sent separately during this past year will now appear under the current store listing. Keep in mind that those special bids covered only the initial placement and will no longer be in effect after October 31, 2024. If you want to be considered for openings after that date, you will need to place a regular bid now. Finally, if you have resubmitted or changed your bids due to a position displacement in the past year, you will also need to resubmit your bids at this time.

August 8, 2024 - Walgreens in the News

Walgreens issued an 8K (an SEC financial filing) yesterday saying it is "currently evaluating a variety of options with respect to VillageMD in light of ongoing investments by the Company in VillageMD’s businesses and VillageMD’s substantial ongoing and expected future cash requirements. These options could include a sale of all or part of the VillageMD businesses, possible restructuring options and other strategic opportunities."  The 8K is here -  New story here -

Walgreens sold $750 million in unsecured bonds yesterday.  Its credit rating is so bad, that the offer was at 8.125% (meaning investors will get paid back at that rate, which is over 4% higher than what normal bonds are currently selling at).  Bloomberg actually called them junk bonds -  It is using the money to pay off bonds that it was able to sell at 3.8% (meaning it is paying way more (8.125%) to pay off debt than the debt originally cost [3.8%]).  SEC filing here -

Who is LIUNA?

What is a Union?

Read about exclusive benefits for Dues-paying Members

Read the NPhA September 2023 Newsletter

Request to Review Your Pharmacy
Each month our Staffing Review Committee meets with Walgreen Co. to review staffing hours.  In these meetings, requests to have selected pharmacies reviewed are submitted, as well as other concerns our members bring to our attention.

See an article about pharmacy?  Share it with us.
We want all our members to feel that they can reach out to us, not just about their pharmacy or a grievance, but to help inform and educate us on what is happening around them.  Connect with us here.

Store Bidding Form
Store List
About NPhA
Join NPhA
Membership Portal
Current Contract
Weingarten Rights
NPhA Union Benefits
MCL Benefits PDF

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Please use our contact us form for NPhA-related correspondence.