Request For Saturday Make-up Day
Contractors covered under the building provisions of the Chicagoland AGC, CAICA, CASA, CAWGC, GLCA, MCA, and/or MWCC collective bargaining agreements may be eligible to use Saturday as a make-up day.
During the period between April 1 and November 30, no more than once per month, one designated Saturday may be used as make-up day, due to inclement weather, at straight time while tending masons; provided, however, that after forty (40) hours have been worked by any given employee, time and one-half must be paid to that employee.
Contractors must notify the Chicago Laborers’ District Council, by no later than 4:00 PM on the Friday preceding the make-up day, using the form provided, specifying the date and location of the make-up work to be performed and the employees working. An Employer who violates this section shall pay as a penalty double time for all hours worked.
The Chicago Laborers’ District Council will email a response to your request.
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